How has your week been ?
We had our first official LOST watching party and besides on tense moment it went really good and I am looking forward to getting together again with them this week.
I am reminded of a scene from a Star Trek movie where the Klingon race is going to be facing extinction if help from the Federation and Starfleet is not forthcoming. Captain Kirk is trying to be persuaded by Captain Spoke to help them ....saying "they will all die" Kirks response "LET THEM DIE" He changed his tune by the end of the movie......I am hoping for the same in one aspect of my life. Does this sound cryptic? If you know me know what I mean. I think it will all work out in the end though.....
IF you are not watching LOST then you are missing a good second set of episodes this season.
It looks like my other fav show will be renewed after this season ....FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS
I spent this past Friday night in Auburn AKA THe Plains and discovered a really cool place called THE OLDE AUBURN ALE HOUSE. They had a band....they had good food and they brew their own beer. Here is the question .....IN a place that brews their own beer in the world can you order a domestic like Miller Lite or Bud Light ?? But I heard folks doing ...heard it with my own ears. How bout this .....try something different , go out on a limb and get something that actually might taste good. I dont think you will regret it in the long run.....
On Saturday I spent the day in Warm Springs, Ga .....Home to Franklin D. Roosevelts Little White house . I honestly think I could go once a month to visit over there ....the place reeks of history ...if you have not been ..GO!!!
Easter is just around the corner and right after that I am taking a few days off and heading up to my home away from home ....Asheville, NC. I love it there and cannot wait to walk around Pack Square, down Biltmore and Broadway avenue, go to Barleys and .....well If you have been you know what I will be doing.....