Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Never Easy....

So...I was going to post about my trip to Alaska tonight but other events have bumped that posting till a later date...

I did get to go to Alaska and it was AMAZING but on Friday morning right after we had finished breakfast I get a call from Mama telling me that my Nana had died that morning at the nursing home in Georgia.

This was my Dads mother and she had been in failing health for sometime ....Hospice had been called in last week but still its never easy to get that call and realize that someone you love and care for is gone. She had breakfast on Friday morning and was sitting in her room when she had a massive heart attack . She was 88.

Words right now cannot begin to tell you how much I will miss having this wonderful women in my life. She taught me so much and showed me so much ....I ache tonight knowing she is gone.

I will get to posting about Alaska soon but for now I remember my Nana .

Peace be with her tonight.

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. "

John 14:27

1 comment:

Laura Mielke said...

What an AMAZING verse - proof that the Bible is a living piece of literature given so long ago and lasting this long because God knew His children would need comfort when Jesus was "not here" to follow and give.

You know my grandmother Keh died last May and she was as close to soul mate for me as you can get. I have such fond memories of sitting at her kitchen table, smoking a cigarette with her, and hearing her tales of what it was like to grow up in "hard times." My mama was visiting with me this past week and asked, "Where did you get that crystal ring holder you keep by the kitchen sink?" Such as novelty in my everyday life that I use each time I wash my hands or clean the house - "it was Keh's Mama!" She had never noticed it on her mother's dresser growing up and one day I said to Keh, I love this little ring holder. "Take it" she said and I have thought of her everyday since. You know the question " if you house was burning down what would you grab to take with you?" This little treasure would certainly be one.

RIP Nana :) and peace be to you and your family.