Gov Sarah Palin finally sat down at the end of last week for some interviews by ABCs Charlie Gibson. I am always amazed at how two different people can watch the same thing and come away with TWO VERY DIFFERENT OPINIONS.
Speaking for myself I was VERY unnerved to hear Gov Palin talk of possible war or fighting with Russia over a country that is not even in NATO. If we are to use history as a guide, and I think we should, we managed to not go to war with the USSR in nearly 50 years of the Cold War. I would like to think that I am a pretty smart guy when it comes to some things and it would seem to make sense that we should be talking to people about things and not loading guns ...just in case. I sleep easier at night knowing that she can see Russia from an island off the coast of about ready to lead on day one !!
Gov Palin went on to discuss her ideas of the "Bush Doctrine" and how it relates to terrorism. And when I say discuss ....I mean she really seemed to have no idea what was going on or the true meaning of the doctrine. She did say that what she brought to the table in terms of foreign policy was that she had a good knowledge of the oil and gas situation in her state. This was to be a foundation of the McCain/Palin White house.....sound confusing ?? Thats cause it is.....
She could not define what the McCain/Palin ticket would do to change the last 8 years of a Bush White House. She mentioned putting the banking and houseing industry back into the hands of people...and getting the Fed out of things. Here's the kicker though ....most analysts on CNN MSNBC And FOX all say that the gross deregulation of the above industries has directly lead to the HUGE problems we are having as we speak.
How can we really afford 4 or maybe 8 more years of this nonsense???
One more thing...for her to say that she thinks Sen Obama is regretting not putting Hillary Clinton on the ticket.....that is just insulting really. Would Hillary have been a great person on the ticket doubt. But Joe Biden is a great one also....
Speaking of women .....for those on the right to get upset when those in the LIBERAL and LEFT LEANING Media question Palins background as a leader....GIVE ME A BREAK ...This is the same media that tore Hillary Clinton to shreds not just in this election but for 8 years while she was first lady .
The media, I believe , has an obligation to uncover the facts and report them to the country.
If Gov Palin or her biggest fans cant handle two months of being in the limelight perhaps she should have stayed in the Governors mansion in Juneau.
On to lighter things ....
Has any one been watching the second season of Mad Men on AMC. It is an AMAZING show ....Perhaps the best thing on TV right now folks....One thing that I am really impressed about this show is their attention to detail . The show takes place in the early 1960's at an ad agency on Madison Avenue in NYC. Its almost like watching something that was ACTUALLY filmed in 1962....the colors, the art, the clothes, the smoking, the sexism...its all there in bright living color.
Check it out some Sunday and see for yourself .
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago
I L-o-v-e Mad Men...cept it always makes me want to light up : )
While uncovering facts may be the job of the media, it is unmistakeably Democratically biased. FOX news is as neutral as it gets. For example, all news stations report when gas prices jump 4cents but when they drop 20cents on the gallon as they have recently no mention is made of it because then we might get the impression that the whole oil and gas crisis isn't really as big a problem as the Dems. make it out to be. And by the way, oil prices being up has actually helped the US economy. With prices being higher for importing goods from other countries we are spending our money on more locally made products (which keeps Americans working) than we were rather paying the higher shipping costs.
What kind of cake are you going to make me in Nov.? ;)
Oh dear sister of mine...
First of all I SCOFF (SCOFF I SAY) at the notion that Fox News is as neutral as it gets. That couldn't be more off. Fox News is SUPER conservative, just as MSNBC is SUPER liberal in their coverage. The whole truth of the matter is that EVERY news outlet has a bias of some sort. They are run by people and as such you can't be completely unbiased, it just can't happen.
Also to say that the Dems are making out this oil and gas crisis out to be worse than it is defies logic. I live, as you are well aware, in the Conservative capital of the United States and the people around here (the majority of whom do not think the same way I do) are freaking out about gas and I promise you it isn't because they are taking stock in what Democrats are saying. Being a Democrat in Alabama is often a lot like having an STD people pretend they feel sorry for you but ultimately they just hope you don't touch them.
I also don't know anyone that is buying locally on purpose to help improve the economy. Everyone around here still shops at WalMart and Target and as you are well aware everything there comes from your favorite 'red' country.
Just some thoughts...
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