I had a thing happen Tuesday that scared me ....We have had VBS at DUMC this week and thats an "all hands on deck " so late Tuesday afternoon I run home to sit down for a few before being back at 5:30.
I lay down ...take a quick 30 minute nap and when I wake up I have some intense blurred vision in my left eye. It lasts about 20-25 minutes but once the blurred vision clears up I am left with a pretty decent headache....and by decent I mean BLECH.
Long story short I went to my eye doctor for a checkup on that situation specially since the same thing happened again this morning.
His verdict? Not sure what it is ....My eyes looked ok he said besides my usual little stuff ...
He said it could very possibly be a mild migraine.... Possibly stress related....lot of stuff maybe .
Here is where my stress is and my problem...I have a hard time letting things go.
As I mentioned we had our VBS this week and it was the first time in 4 years that I was not " in charge" of anything with the overall planning. I was there each night to watch and answer questions etc....I am technically over the new Childrens Director but ....I mainly sat back and watched this year
I was worried and stressed all week that things would go ok. That everything would be good for the kids ...Guess what ? It was great!!!
I know our Children's Director is very qualified to handle this job ....but after doing it myself for 4 years it was a bit hard to let it all go....Does that even make sense?
I am not one of these folks that looks for someone to say "Great job Jay, really nice VBS, you did so much hard work and we appreciate it" I dont seek out praise...thats not me .... I dont think it is anyway ....I am a behind the scenes kinda person ...Give the praise to the folks who took off work to help out...or to the grandmothers who made food all week....or the youth who gave up their summer time off to be there each night.
My thing is I just have a hard time letting things go and allowing othersto do things.....So my stress level was high....LET ME STRESS HERE ...I was very pleased with VBS and how things went ...our Childrens person is AMAZING !! We are so very blessed to have her
Add to that I have managed to get behind on final planning on our mission trip that we leave for on Sunday morning. ......
So yeah ....a stress headache/blurred vision thing was very possible and DID happen.