"We need others. We need others to love and we need to be loved by them. There is no doubt that without it, we too, like the infant left alone, would cease to grow, cease to develop, choose madness and even death"Leo Buscaqlia So......
I am tired of being alone....
I have a wonderful family. I have the best friends(you know who you are ) but I am ready to come home to someone....So,I am ready .
I am ready to have someone in my life that is here....In Montgomery or whatever city we find ourselves in...
I am ready to go to a party with someone .....
I am ready to not just a date here and there but to have someone in my life that is a little more constant, LOST anyone ?
I am ready to be invited to a party or wedding or function and have the people who invited me know that I am not coming alone.....
I am tired of being a third wheel.....
I want someone in my life on a more constant basis that can get to know my wonderful friends and family.
A few of you know how I feel about these things and you also know what a struggle it has been for me in my life....I dont go into things very lightly. Especially regarding things like this ...but as I said ...I think its time.
I worry about alot of things ...I worry about who is going to take care of things for me one day when I no longer have the ability to do it for myself.
I worry about money....I worry about job futures....I worry. But you hardly would know it....
I also worry about being alone ....