Tuesday, February 24, 2009



I typically try to stay away from this stuff but it was a slow few minutes at DUMC and i went along with it ....

A new thing is going around where you go to Wikipedia Random and the first article you get is the name of your band. Then "Random Quotations" and the last four or five words of the last quote on the page is the album title.Then you go to Flickr and on the Explore Last Seven Days the third picture is your album cover.

Here is mine

Band Name -Organization in Europe

Album-As The Naked Truth
Album Cover-Three Lemons Picture

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I used to be a big fan of award shows....Used to watch them all the time. The Grammy, The Emmys, The Oscars, The Tonys(yes that one too)....but then a few years back I just sorta stopped.
I think it was around the time that Saving Private Ryan lost best picture to Shakespeare in Love....but in the same year Steven Speilberg won best director for Saving Private Ryan??!?!? HUH?
Anyway....award shows do nothing for me. Dont get me wrong...There are some aspects that are enjoyable to watch. Like the part where they give an award to someone who has done alot for folks over the years.......Using your influence and name recognition to help others. This year they gave an honorary Oscar to Jerry Lewis for all his work with the MDA. That was a good thing....
Also, the late Heath Ledger won for his role in last years Batman movie....That was nice to see. He was a great talent.
But at the end of the day I typically dont decide to see a movie based on the fact that someone in that movie won an Oscar or the movie itself won.
Dont get me wrong I will still watch parts here and there ....As i said some parts are enjoyable .

But....Let the work stand for itself....Thats what Brando and George C Scott did ....they refused Oscars because they said they did the work....made the movie and it was over...
Move on.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Alone ....

"We need others. We need others to love and we need to be loved by them. There is no doubt that without it, we too, like the infant left alone, would cease to grow, cease to develop, choose madness and even death"

Leo Buscaqlia


I am tired of being alone....

I have a wonderful family. I have the best friends(you know who you are ) but I am ready to come home to someone....So,I am ready .

I am ready to have someone in my life that is here....In Montgomery or whatever city we find ourselves in...

I am ready to go to a party with someone .....

I am ready to not just a date here and there but to have someone in my life that is a little more constant, LOST anyone ?

I am ready to be invited to a party or wedding or function and have the people who invited me know that I am not coming alone.....

I am tired of being a third wheel.....

I want someone in my life on a more constant basis that can get to know my wonderful friends and family.

A few of you know how I feel about these things and you also know what a struggle it has been for me in my life....I dont go into things very lightly. Especially regarding things like this ...but as I said ...I think its time.

I worry about alot of things ...I worry about who is going to take care of things for me one day when I no longer have the ability to do it for myself.

I worry about money....I worry about job futures....I worry. But you hardly would know it....

I also worry about being alone ....

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Church Bells Are Ringing .....

I posted the other day about my visit recent visit to Tuskegee and how incredibly sad it was to see the town now .....
Well last weekend I had a dream that involved a part of Tuskegee and wanted to post here about it to get folks opinions about the dream...

I was in my old home church in Tuskegee...First Presbyterian Church. It was packed with folks...the aisles were full of folks chatting and catching up ...the doors were open wide with people streaming in....

A little about my old church ....it was built in 1887ish ....is a classic looking white clapboard church with tall soaring stained glass windows and a tall steeple in the front.....brick front poarch area with tall white columns. Inside the front door is a set of steep stairs to your right that lead up to a small balcony that over looks the sanctuary. Off to the sides of the balcony are two small rooms that were never used when I grew up...there is a small center room, with glass front doors where you can go in and pull the cord that was attached to the bell.

Ok ....so I am there and notice folks from my current church are also there doing things here and there and someone tells me that my dad is upstairs in the room with bell rope.
I turn and head towards the stairs and get there and someone says I cant go up ....I say ok .
I again go back and try again ...again told no.
I keep trying different ways to get up there and no one will allow me up to see him ....I go out into the sanctuary and look up and can see a shadow of someone in the room .....
I go back to the stairs and then for some reason I am at the top of the stairs but not allowed onto the balcony.....I hear the choir singing and then I wake up ...

So what does it all mean ?