Tuesday, September 05, 2006


So I read Lane's blog today ....just catching up on different things and his blog made me SICK ...He talked about how fall is in the air up in New England and in so many ways it makes me jealous. Fall really is my favorite time of the year. It is a beginning. I know many folks will say "WAIT A DANG MINUTE...SPRING IS WHERE IT ALL BEGINS" but not for me folks.
I enjoy the slow crawl of Summer into Fall.....down here in the deep south we get to see things happen a little more slowly . In the upper regions of New England leaves are already turning and before long that will spread its way across New York , Pennsylvania , Maryland, Virginia and into North and South Carolina. We still have many leaves still on trees at Thanksgiving !!!!!
I enjoy th.t first small small taste of Fall that we get here in the deep south. Those mornings that are a little cooler. Cooler for us is the low to middle 60's. It warms up during the day but it's the cooler nights that sustain me. The lower temps revive me and make me feel good again. I see Fall as a stepping stone ...me being one step closer to Winter and that really makes me happy.

My oldest nephew plays his first football game tonight . He is in the Termite league out at Macon East Montgomery Academy. He is 9 years old and is SOOOOOO ready to play.
My Daddy was so excited when he heard that Hunter was going to MEMA. Hunter is a third generation Gregg to be going to Macon East. Both his grandparents graduated from the school in 1964(the first class in fact) His Dad and his uncle (me) graduated from the school . Daddy would have been equally excited to be going to the games to see Hunter play. I have said it is a year of firsts for the Gregg family, good ones and bad ones, this is a good one. Good Luck Hunter!

If I was a smart man, and had to sit and analyze things I was seeing on television, I would say that the Bush administration was doing a good bit of backpeddling. They still sit on a throne of lies. They are now saying that things in Iraq are not as good as was once thought!!!! WHO ONCE THOUGHT THAT? Bush? Cheney? This mess has been going on for three years. Dozens of former Generals or commanders have issued statements talking about the problems from the start of the war. It makes no sense to me. NONE .
Why dont we invade North Korea? Iran? The international community is pretty sure they have some bad weapons. SO why dont we use the "Iraq Formula" and invade to disarm them and remove a cruel dictator from power?? I am guessing it has alot to do with the fact that they REALLY have these weapons and the leaders of these countrys are nuts. I dont want to go to war with these people . They have nothing to lose . They hate us with such a passion.
Perhaps they dont want Democracy. We have never stopped to think about that have we ? Maybe our idea of a great country run by the people does not sound that great to others . Many leaders in our government today still believe in a "Manifest Destiny". We are to be the leaders of democracy and as Americans it is not only our duty but our right to bring these freedoms to the world. Perhaps we should follow the path of the "Truman Doctrine". That is when nations ask for our help to perserve their freedoms. Orginally started to curb the spread of communism in Europe it could be used today in the middle east or anywhere really. But we should not invade. I think its wrong.

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