So I power up my computer today and what do I read ??? A few things that make me very very concerned and worried ....
1. George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush both said that they believe the current Gov. of Florida,Jeb Bush should make a run for the Oval Office in 08. Alright first of all....he is the Son of a former president and the brother of our current president. HOW MUCH MORE OF THIS FAMILY CAN THIS COUNTRY ENDURE?? Both Bush presidents oversaw a government that spent wildly on military while using a deficit spending approach to their madness. !st Bush did manage to raise taxes while he was in office but it was only after he and his economists realized that they actually
needed money to run the federal government. Dont get me wrong I am not all about TAX AND SPEND gov. BUT come on....when you cut taxes and keep spending money it usually just dont all add up in the end . Current President Bush continues to amaze me in his total lack of ANYTHING .....and then just today he defends phone tapping again ?????
"The idea of collecting millions or thousands of phone numbers, how does that fit into following the enemy?" said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. and thats from his own party leaders HOW can he do it??...How is it right for any part of our federal government to spy on its citizens? I have heard the Right say that it done to protect us from attack in the future ...I have heard good friends of mine say that they are ok with the government doing this as long as they are doing it legally .....all I can do is shake my head at that one...When did the leaders of our nation stop being held accountable for their actions ???
Let me add this ...I have talked with friends who live in Florida and think that Jeb is a great guy...a good leader of their state ....and I think I even remember reading somewhere that Barbara Bush said Jeb was the best political mind in their family ......having said all that I still dont know if I will sleep any better tonight ....BUSH III? As my nephew says "Oh Lord , Have Mercy"
1 comment:
While NONE of you guys seem to have any feelings of like or respect for the president, I have to say that I am a Republican and I very much like our president. All the madness everyone sees in the military spending he has been doing is total different from my point of view. Our military members and their families have never been more taken care of than they have been under this administration. It makes me sleep better at night knowing I have a president who is interested in keeping the military safe. And yes I know what you are all thinking, "how can he be keeping them safe when he keeps sending them over to the desert???" Trust me, if he didn't send them then how would you be able to sleep at night. The fact they are over there protecting you from the dangers that be keeps you sleeping. You may not realize it but it does. And for all you Clinton fans out there, if any are interested I'll tell you later how horrible and dangerous he was for our military.
Thanks for listening!
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