Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who dont go vote.
anonymousThe Constitution of The United States says........
Article 1
Section 2-The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the Electors in each state shall have the Qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature.
Section 3-the Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state chosen by the legistature therof*, for six years and each senator shall have one vote.
*Amendment 17-The Senate of the United Staes shall be composed of two Senators from each state,elected by the people therof, for six years; and each senator shall have one vote.
Election Day occurs on the Tuesday following the first Monday of November every year. This rule was instituted by the Congress in 1845, and the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November was chosen to keep the election day from falling on All Saints Sunday. Tuesday was chosen to allow voters one day to travel to their polling place, as most residents at the time could not travel on Sunday because of church. The month of November was chosen because it was after the crops were harvested.
Simple American History.
Are you going to vote tomorrow or are you so fed up with the whole political process that you wont even consider driving to your polling place and casting your vote.?
Please go vote .....the founders of this nation paid a high price for YOU. Not many things make me madder than when I hear someone say they did not vote. Are we that busy? Do we not care about what happens? I believe that voting procedures should be changed . Nothing is done to appeal to the young voter anymore ....
How about allowing folks to vote via email or at an online polling place? What about using text messages? What if iTunes got behind something like this and used their considerable website to promote something new?
I think we could and can change this nation! But we have to start somewhere and that somewhere is Me, You, We, Them , They.
Encourge your friends and parents to vote, offer to take them to vote JUST GO VOTE.
Democrat....Republican......Independent......VOTE Tomorrow
In other News........
I had a up and down weekend but I think it ended on a really high note. The hard part was facing some hard realities about some things and realizing that great friends should ALWAYS be a part of the things in your life. Life is about changing and I think we grow up in some way everyday........Does not matter if you are 8 or 80 we always have room to grow.....Our friends just make it easier!!
My Dad would have been 61 years old this past Sunday. It was a tough day but not as tough as I thought it would or could have been. I said it before in another post and will say it again...I really feel that I have turned that corner and am looking at life different now. I miss Daddy so much but I am making the choice to celebrate his life and not mourn his death. I am praying that others start in someway to do the same thing.
I got a Facebook account.......for what that is worth....Thanks Nick!!!!!!
I leave you with this quote............
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl
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