I dont ever remember as a child my being afraid of much .....and then at some point I grew up and became a pansy about so much .....ghost stories,scary movies , creepy old houses with hidden doors, cats....well cats dont scare me but I sure dont like um ..... I am almost 32 years old and I cannot tell you how many "scary movies" I have walked out of .....I think what bothers most people the most about this stuff is the unknown....Right ? I mean for years people would not venture too far out into the ocean for fear of sea serpants and falling off the edge of the world...Columbus cleared that up for us and we gave him his own holiday....FDR said in his first inaugural "that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".... I have recently finished A Grief Observed by CS LEWIS and the first line of Chapter one says "No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear."......I am scared to death right now ....about so many things ....I am scared to go to sleep at night ....I am scared when my good friends and family leave my presence..Its not the "scary movie" fear its the "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror" that FDR spoke of ..I would like to think that I know why I feel this way but I am never sure but CS Lewis makes the above comment about fear and its like a EUREKA moment for me .....I sorta understand better now.....I remember when I was about 7 years old I got lost in the Eastdale Mall, it was around the same time that Adam Walsh had been kidnapped in a Hollywood,Florida mall and I was TERRIFIED .......and then as suddenly as it happened there was my Daddy ....I still to this day remember how Ifelt in the instant that I saw him .....He calmed my fears and made me feel protected and he took away my fear ......I am scared to death right now and I dont have anyone to take away that fear .....and I dont know who or what will ever take it away ....its the not knowing thats killing me ....for me the unknown = FEAR ....Like I said this is just me talking ...
Jason, I totally know what you are saying. Sometimes I am breeznig through life and all is well. The sun is shining, my car windows are down, and my favorite song is on and the next day for no reason at all...I, too, feel "fearful" or something like it. It's like sometimes I am afraid of being alone even though I know that the lonliness will really only technically last another hour or so until Nick comes home or go somewhere but in those few hours when the house is quiet and I am alone I feel so lonely that I almost feel the presence of darkness itself...so it's like, someone is there, watching me be alone. And I think it is because in out day and age we are so used to noise and distraction that we are not forced to face the "us" inside and reintroduce ourself to our...self. Did any of this make sense?
I think it made sense ...studies have been done on how fear affects us in the short term and the long term....short term i can deal with its the long term stuff that will kill you I think ...We have to face it head on guns a blazing at least trying to overcome it or it will smother life right out of us ...sorry for my delay in seeing ya ...
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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