it would be ok......
Unless you are my dentist and his little hating helper. If any of you know me you know that for a long time I have been having problems with my teeth. Not just "oh, that tooth needs to be looked at " BUT " OH MY DEAR GOD PLEASE PULL THEM ALL NOW ".
As part of my new process of better tooth care I have decided not to put off getting things fixed...So after $1600.00 dollars in tooth care to repair a broken tooth,get a root canal then have a crown put on...I found myself at my dentist office again on Tuesday morning having two small cavities filled.
As I am sitting there in the chair and Dr. M starts working away and at some point while he was working on my teeth he started talking about gays...homosexuals if you will.
Perhaps something was mentioned on the Today show which was playing on the nice flat screen mounted on the wall. Perhaps it was a commercial about something that seemed "gay" I dont recall what got things going but here is what went down...
Dr M made a very audible grunt and said " I dont know why people cant just stay in their places" His helper chimes in and says "Yup"
For the benefit of not having to type alot the rest will follow in a script fashion ...something like this .......
Dr.M-I mean I am old fashioned and all.... but I get so sick of seeing them everywhere.
Helper-I know ....even in grocery stores!!
Dr. M-You can tell one when you see one .....they way they walk and all.
Tooth Worked on some ....
Dr M-I went to NYC with my Daughter a few years ago and she said "Dad,men work in stores up here selling perfume " Back when i was coming up Men worked mens jobs and women worked womens jobs....
Helper-My husband works with one and he is not like most gays....he is normal.
I will stop here and proceed with my venting .....NOT LIKE MOST GAYS? Dont get me wrong I get uncomfortable around many things ....loud people in restaurants,children crying in restaurants and yes very vocal gay people. or the sterotypical "gay" person is a fault I have and continue to work on but for my dentist and his helper to sit there and talk they way they did without any knowledge as to who I am or what I stand for .....PISSED ME OFF!! Did they know that it makes me sick to see people discriminated based on how they live their lives.....Did they know that it burns me to my core to sit and imagine that someone would be denied something solely based on being WHO THEY ARE??????
They did not know if I have a brother who is gay , or a nephew or a cousin or a sister or an uncle. They dont know if my best friend is gay or if I have great friends living in Atlanta, Birmingham, and St Louis. ....Not to mention Montgomery who might possibly be gay. What if I was gay ?? What if you were gay ? What then ? UGH!!
Being gay does not MAKE these people who they are..... Being willing to drop whatever they are doing to come and be with friends at a moments notice. Sending you a card on the anniversary of your Dads death just to say they are thinking about you ....Working hard,raising families,going to church,taking vacations,spending holidays with family,travelling with friends. Being real people is who they are ...they just happen to be gay also .
People are entitled to their opinions ....I understand that and appreciate it when I can sit and talk to people about the issues that matter.
But to go into a dentist office at 8am on a Tuesday and have to listen to what borders on hate.....
Well just makes me sick.
Not the kind of dentist I will be going back to .....
Anyway ....just my thoughts
Better to be hated for what one is than loved for what one is not .
Andre Gide.
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago
borders on hate?
no no, my friend. that is hate, and its probably the worst kind. hate that poses as ignorance is more dangerous than the vocalized type.
awful... just awful.
wow. what an experience. and im not sure that i could have sat there without saying something to him and his helper.
Ignorance is around every corner, isn't it?
Identifying someone solely by their sexual orientation is a pet peeve of mine, too. When was the last time someone referred to me as their heterosexual friend? It's ridiculous.
burns me up...
Don't you just hate dentist? I can pick them out by the way they comb their hair. I just think to myself, 'there goes another one.' Just disgusting. It is a disgrace that those tooth-pickers are allowed to roam free around all us other God-fearin' grocery shoppers!
I love you Jason! I'm sorry that you had to endure dental work and ignorance at once!
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