Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos. ~Charles M. Schulz I am big on quotes ....maybe it is because I am not smart enough to think of anything good on my own so I just borrow from someone else but nevertheless this post might have more of it's fair share of quotes. The title of this post comes from the last episode of MASH.
This coming Sunday a good friend of mine is leaving Montgomery for her new job in Mobile. I have to admit when I first heard that we were getting a female minister I was a little worried. Yes I am a democrat and yes I believe in all things proggressive BUT I am human and I was worried how our church would handle a woman as its senior minister. I wish I could say that everyone jumped in line right behind her and pledged their support but that did not happen. In fact some never fully gave their support at all. This blog is not about that though. This blog is about how much I have learned from Misty and about how much I will miss her around the office.
First of all Misty has kept me pretty grounded these last two years. She had the great disadvantage of having to deal with a guy like myself who had never had a full time youth ministry job before. He ability to let me do my job and not bother me was a great help. Of course she offered advice about things and at times she really really wanted me to do certain things the the youth or children but she never pushed me. She truly realizes that people are called to do certain jobs and she allows then to do them. I say THANK YOU for that.
Second Misty kept things very lose and easy going at the office. Many church offices are kinda stuffy. They can be rigid and quiet, but I am happy to say that ours has been a blast for the last two years. I will never forget the CANDY WARS between the offices, the long talks in Her office and the Thursday lunches with JH. Many of the conversations during those Thursday lunches will be taken to my grave!!!!
Misty was a rock of strength these past few months for me. She gave words of comfort to a grief stricken family. She held my family as we waited for days for some type of absolution. When the time came and Daddy passed away she was as close to us as Nick, Susanne and Drew. They were our family. As much as any person related to us by blood. They cried with us ...and they held us ....if something as shocking as losing your husband,father,brother,grandfather could be made better is was having someone like Misty near us. She was and is our friend.
I will miss her joy in our office. I will miss the sweet sounds of a little boy wanting the ball and bat in my office. For more than the first time in the past few months my heart is breaking.I am tired of saying goodbye to people.
We have to remember what the Wizard of Oz told the Tin Man " A heart will never be made practical until it can me made unbreakable."
Misty will do great in Mobile .....she will care and comfort for many down there.....she will grow and she will feed many. I will greatly miss her.
God Bless Misty....God Bless Your Ministry I love you and will miss you .
I close with a quote...
"Be courteous to all, be intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give then your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks the adversity before it is entitled the appellation."
President George Washington 1795
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago
I just realized that my post is full of typos GRRRRRR....oh well ..thats what happens when you post with three people in your office
Ja, you are a truly great friend. You have changed my world in more ways than I will ever be able to tell you. And now you have made me global, WOW!!! Know that my heart hurts, truly hurts when I think that my departure is only days away.
No more big Thursday question, "Where shall our meal be held this day?" (flashback to conference)No more talks that push me to think, really think about life and the cosmos. I have learned so much from you, yes from you.
My life has been enriched because of you my friend. I will always have a special place in my heart for you and whenever you see a Hydrangea plant you can think of me.
You have what God gave us and that is a heart of Christ. I see it in you when you laugh, when you are talking to me and to the youth, and I havd seen it in you during the last few months. You not only serve God, but God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, abides in you.
It is my pray that you continue to be fearful of the unknown but, know you are not alone, and I hope that you enjoy the journey. Life is grand and great and I have lived with a very childlike motto, "It is cool to be a Christian". Always remember two passages of scripture, 1) Matthew 6:34 and 2) 1 Thessalonians 2:8.
Keep writing, I have so enjoyed your blog as well as others who are commenting to yours. I wish I have something profound to say; I am jealous. I will keep you in my heart, on my buddy list, in my address book, and as a contact name.
Jason, I know Misty appreciated these loving words. I have to admit, also, that it tickled me to see my initials in print. To me, the quotations make you look smarter. How can you remember so many? JH
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