Today after church my whole family went to my aunts house for lunch and then family downtime in the backyard. It was a beautiful day for being outside...a little cool and windy ...but nice .
I have two cousins...Charles and Ashley. I have other cousins but these are the ones that I grew up with...Charles was born first, then my brother, then me and then Ashley came 11 years later.
As we were sitting outside talking I had this revelation. We are adults.
That might sound like a weird revelation but we used to spend summers in the woods behind my grandparents house. In the creek. Riding three-wheelers. Going to Bama Park up at Lake Martin(if you remember Bama Park then you remember how great it was). We would help Grandaddy in the garden. We built hay forts in the hay loft of the barn. We would stay outside all day long during the summer. No shoes lots of times. Hot,messy sticky ... WOW what fun.
So here we are in 2008 aged 39,37,33 and 23. So far removed from those childhood days in rural Macon county.
I can close my eyes and remember the smell of the woods behind my grandparents house. I can see my grandaddy sitting in his rocking chair on the porch. See us racing to get done with lunch so we could get outside as quick as possible......
This brings me back to where I started.....We are adults now. Sitting around out back of my aunts house talking about things like...Income taxes and earned income tax credits,life insurance, the upcoming presidential election and who we liked or disliked and agreeing to disagree on things, who in the group was responsible for learning how to make Granny's chocolate cake,I can make her dressing and Charles is pretty damn good at Grandaddy's potato soup, but no one can come close to that cake. We discussed our jobs and where we were heading. We talked about rising gas prices and the long term effects of the War On Terror. We discussed new schools in Montgomery and the merits of magnet schools verses private schools and why all public school cant be like the schools in the magnet program. We laughed about stuff that happened 20 or 25 years ago but the reality is this ....we are no where near those people anymore.
We are adults.
Its seems so silly and stupid to say this but its so wonderful to look back on our lives but also realize that we are moving forward. We have all grown into pretty decent folks with good jobs and fantastic families.
It was a really good Easter. I hope yours was also....
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago
Isn't it strange how this happens to us? I have some of these same thoughts a lot of times if I run into former youth who are out at Bud's or are getting married and all that. Very surreal.
GREAT post Jason...I enjoy this one and I am so glad you had a great Easter!
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