Friday, January 23, 2009

Is It Live Or Is It Memorex??


Its Friday and I decided to take a few moments and give my thoughts on the weeks events ....

On Tuesday of course history was made with Barack Obama becoming our 44th president....No news there right ??

I mean, I was sitting there watching the tv and I mentioned to Nick that I was kinda emotional....Silly ? Perhaps but all I could think about in that moment was how I had the chance to see this happen..and so many others did not ...why me and not Dr King ? Why me and not Viola Liuzzo? Why me and not Swerner,Cheney and Goodman? They were not there because they died for something they believed in ....they gave it all to help their fellow man or woman. They drove cars, they registered voters ,they marched, they boycotted buses so that one day a person of ANY color could vote without being harrassed. So that a person of ANY color could one day serve on the city council. So that one day a person of ANY color or background could just possibly be elected to the office of president of the United States of America.

I was emotional because I missed my Dad terribly on Tuesday. My dad loved politics and the whole process. He loved following the news cycles. I listen to NPR because my dad listened and said it was good stuff. He would have been so excited about last Tuesday....he loved the pomp and ceremony of events like inaugurations. He would have been thrilled last Tuesday.

I was emotional because my Nana was not here to witness history last Tuesday. A women who first taught me was it was to be a democrat. A women who said that discrimination in ANY FORM was and is wrong. A women who stood beside her husband at their house as a cross was burned in their yard in Tuskegee... all because they said that not allowing blacks into school with whites was wrong.

The last time I saw her last May she told me then she really liked "that Obama ".... She would have loved last Tuesday.

On a lighter note I heard on NPR Friday afternoon that the beautiful music played by cellist Yo-Yo Ma, violinist Izhak Perlman, pianist Gabriella Montero and clarinetist Anthony McGill, right before the presidential oath was actually not live.


Yo Yo Ma said during an interview Friday afternoon that on Sunday they recorded a version of the piece just in case something happened and then went on Monday morning to rehearse at the Capitol. They soon realized that it would be MUCH MUCH too cold on Tuesday for them to perform anything that sounded worth a dang. He said that while playing the piano Gabriella Montero noticed that the keys were sticking down and the violin and cello were already sounding bad within a few minutes of being outside.

So what do you do???

They put soap on the bows ,the clarinetist pretended to play and the piano was rigged so that the keys could be played but no sound came out.

Who knew ??

On a much much lighter note ....LOST returned this week and as usual it was a VERY interesting show. I will not even begin to wade into the deep end of the WHAT IF pool but if I had to make one prediction I will say this ......Whatever is going on on the Island might be VERY VERY SIMPLE and easily explained. How bout that for a kick in the teeth. .....When its all said and done at the end of Season 6 we will all realize that the whole thing was made up in some austistic kids head as he looks into a snow globe or Jack Shepard will wake up in a bed with Suzanne Pleshette and Bob Newhart.

Go figure huh ??


Anonymous said...

So, Lane and I were talking about the not live music thing yesterday and really I don't see the big deal. It is impossible in those kinds of conditions outdoors in the cold for the music to sound like it is suppose to plus there is a high danger of breaking strings or whatever in the cold. (note: the military band that played earlier not sounding so hot). Do you really want to be the ones to f-up the inauguration with bad music that in any other circumstance would sound beautiful?? I think it was a better idea for us to be able to experience the original compilation the way it should be heard on such a special day than for the point of the thing of it being live.

Anyway, just my two cents.

And thanks for sharing about your experience on Tuesday. I think it was emotional like that for a lot of people.

Jason said...

Let me be clear here ....I am glad they used taped music also ....
Had someone tell me last night that they were not sure who this "yo yo ma " person is but it was very unprofessional of him to use canned music ...
Good Grief

Stephanie said...

Yeah, about the music - it is really hard to play well in cold weather. As long as it was them playing, I don't think it was a big deal either.

Nick M. said...

Yo-Yo Ma RULES!!

Anonymous said...

Jason - I didn't get the impression you thought it was a big deal...just that it was interesting that people were making a big deal about it. I think we can all agree that it was worth it for it to sound the way it did! Other than Aretha's hat, I think the whole ceremony was flawless!