Monday, November 03, 2008


A little on Voting ….

A few weeks back Mr. Lucas posted a blog post encouraging each of us in the world of blogs to take a little time and post about voting, the democratic process and what it all means to us.

Here is what I think ….
As of today, I will have voted in 5 presidential elections. I first voted in 1992 and my ballot was cast for Bill Clinton. At that time he had this ability to connect with people…across the board. It did not matter if you were young, old, white, black…He got me excited to be voting.
We elect a new president every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Congress set this date and it has been held this way for decades.
We have a process, we have a peaceful process. Something that many nations still strive to achieve.
Regardless if you are a democrat or republican. Black or white. Rich or poor. We all get to vote. I take comfort in that fact.
Some people say that it’s a waste of time to vote. Some will tell you that there is no honesty left in politics. I don’t know all the answers but here is why I vote.

I vote because of my friend Rick Varacalle. He served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Whether you hate the war or are totally behind it I have all the respect in the world for that man. He served in the US Marines for 22 years. I vote because he fought.

I vote because of my Uncle Jim who served in Vietnam as a Ranger. I still to this day do not know what all he did over there but it was bad enough that he decided decades ago not to discuss it. I vote because he was reviled when he returned home and that was wrong.

I vote because men like Jefferson, Washington, Franklin and Adams put their lives on the line to change things for the better. They saw far into the future and what they saw was a world that would be better because of democracy. A world where every person could be heard. They said WE THE PEOPLE and that includes me … Its not been an easy process and it has been tweaked over the years but it works and we owe our thanks to those patriots.

I vote because Frankling D Roosevelt said
“Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.”

I vote because so many people over the years were denied that right. From women to blacks. I vote because I realize that any one of us could have been or might still be denied for some reason. You are an immigrant? Cant vote. You are gay? Cant vote.

I vote for my friend Jason who lives in Birmingham and as of last Wednesday became a US citizen. He missed the deadline for registering but he achieved something that many people never get in their lives and that’s the chance to live in a true democracy.

I vote because when we elect a new president or congress its peaceful, even during wars and uncertain economic times. In the 232 years as a nation and in the 43 times a man has taken the oath of office never has there been a tank in the street or an attempted overthrow of our government .

I vote because of my grandfather Oman P Miller. He served in North Africa under Gen Patton and fought Gen Rommel of Germany. He served in Italy and southern Europe under Gen Clark. He was wounded twice and received two purple hearts and one silver star. I vote because even in his worst days of being sick and crippled he got up and went to vote. He paid a price for his volunteering to serve his country. The least I can do is drive less than a mile to honor his sacrifice.

I vote because my Dad and Mom made sure they never pressured me to chose a side in politics ,they urged me and my brother to decide on our own. They just wanted us to be informed and to vote.

And finally I vote because THIS is the year ….this is the year that we turn the corner and we become once again that country that Jefferson and Adams talked about…This is the year that we become the country that Grandaddy bled for ….the country that my parents told us to work hard for and to become involved with on some level. This is the year that someone different arrives in the White House.

Senator Barack Obama does not represent change…in some ways I think that phrase has been overused this year. To me he represents Excitement. Energy. Commitment. Love of Country. Good.

He represents me….I am excited and have energy about our political process for the first time in years.

I vote today for Barack Obama and Joe Biden !

God Bless America

Now its your turn….Go Vote!

Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. President Franklin D. Roosevelt


Eleanor said...

This was beautiful, Jason. I vote that this was the best blog of the day.

Nick M. said...

Very well written indeed.

The Bean said...

Ready to make me a cake???? ;)