Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pop some corn and dim the lights ......


I was tagged by Mary Tyler to let everyone know the top ten movies that I have to watch if they are on TV. You know the kind...you are flipping around and they happen to be on or someone suggests a movie and you always tend to mention of of these classics...

  1. Gone With The Wind.

  2. The Godfather

  3. The Godfather II

  4. Silence of the Lambs

  5. The Breakfast Club

  6. Love Actually

  7. Junebug

  8. Its A Wonderful Life

  9. Almost Famous

  10. Mr Smith Goes to Washington

So there ya go ....


Mary Tyler S. said...

Never seen Junebug - so I added it to the Netflix list!

Nick M. said...

I never knew you liked Almost Famous that much. Its one of my faves. Go figure!