Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Take two of these and call me in the morning .....


I am sick. And it sucks.

I keep hacking up my lungs every two seconds while my brain feels like it is going to be bludgeoned to death from rattling in my skull. Which makes me light headed. It's hard to breathe. I am running a fever.

Heres the thing, I was feeling pretty good yesterday and then yesterday afternoon at church it started. I was up all night and went to the doctor today

I have been fighting something off and off for a few weeks but today I hit the grandslam!!

So anyway, just letting you know it's hard to blog when you feel like your head might actually explode at any second. This damn plague spreads its ugly tentacles around and rapes you without consent.

Being sick is awful.

Don't let it happen to you.

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