Saturday, January 02, 2010

Auld Lang Syne


Its January 2, 2010 and here I sit weighing considerably less than I did 5 months ago ....I went today to weigh in and gained 2lbs. I am ok. I did not pass out. I managed to keep it together. There was no crying or gnashing of teeth. The walls did not come tumbling down. There are going to be days like this ...I know that. I am ok with it too ...

So as of today ....

Starting Weight - 381 lbs

Todays gain- 2lb

Total Lost - 50.5 lbs

Todays Weight 331.5 lbs

You see I said from the beginning that I was taking a whole new approach to things ...I am not going to dwell on why or why not. I am not going to second guess all week what I might have done LAST week. Tomorrow is a new day and it begins anew ....

I count my points and drink my water. I excercise. I even started back trying to take vitamins.

And you know what ....2010 is gonna be the best ever. "The best is yet to come" as Francis Albert would say ....

I have had many many folks ask me about my plans as far as weight loss goes ....How much do I want to lose? The number I am shooting for is 230lbs. Weird story but thats the number....

Its a LONG TERM GOAL and today in our WW meeting we talked about short term goals....Little things that keep us going. I can see 230 in my mind but I can see ramping up my exercise as a short term goal. I can see myself buying some new clothes as a short term goal.

I could list a lot of things here ....

But I know this ...there are some grey areas in weight loss...There is nothing that is "black and white"

There could be one person who weighs 200 pounds who would say "How did I get to this enormous weight" and then there will be someone like me, who throws their hands in the air and says "I am done being out of shape and overweight"

There are some who believe frozen dinners are the way to go and others who think they are a waste of money.

Some people lose weight by working out at home, some by going to the gym, and some do not even work out at all.

Some need the support of blogs and bloggers, and others could care less.

Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone has lost weight differently.There is no such thing as a "perfect diet" or a "right or wrong plan".

I have learned this during the last 5 months after speaking to folks and reading TONS.

I have changed aspects of my life and I will say one thing about weight loss....Do not ever say you do not care.

I am inspired by my friend ELucas who lost and has maintained....and yes I am inspired by those folks on The Biggest Loser. I want to be that inspiration one day ....I care.

A poor decision will not ruin you ...Not caring will. I care

So what will 2010 bring for me besides my continued road to better health. ....

Maybe I should be less annoying

Maybe I should post more about trees and the environment

Maybe I should fly to visit friends more.

Maybe I should take off a couple of weeks

Maybe I should make a lot of money

Maybe I should just keep on moving forward.

I have said it on Facebook and Twitter and to any person that will listen to me ....2010 is going to be an amazing year and I am glad to have you all along as fellow travellers.


Mary Tyler S. said...

Glad to be a fellow travelor! You have inspired me to eat healthier this year. Already stocked the kitchen with fresh ingredients and low-cal foods. I just need to learn how to cook a little better! Happy New Year Jase!

Eleanor said...

What a nice shout-out! I'm proud of -- and inspired by -- you, Jason.