Its November.....The weather has been perfect today ...nice cooler temps, no rain and just overall goodness.
I was talking with my favorite mother of twins tonight and the topic of The Biggest Loser came up....Its no secret that I am not a fan of the show but we touched on something that I had really had not thought about before and here is how it goes ...
Folks go on this show for what reason ? I mean really, why do they do it ?
Do they want to get their 15 minutes of fame ? Do they want to show their families something ? Do they want to lose weight and this is the final time for them to get things going right for them ?
Maybe they need someone to yell at them and tell them that they are killing themselves....Maybe they need the atmosphere of being with folks who are in the same boat that they are ....Maybe they need therapy.
But for me heres the deal ....
When you are fat, obese or maybe just 30lbs overweight you yell at yourself all the dang time....You try on those pants and say... CRAP! these fit last year or you see yourself in a picture and think YOU ARE SUCH A FAT IDIOT for getting so big ....I dont need Bob or Jillian degrading me any more ....that wont work.
We dont need to go to a "ranch" to be around other fat people... we can walk in WalMart, Publix or anywhere else and see folks who need to lose weight ....We can look at our own families and see the same thing you see at the "ranch".
Therapy for me ....FOR ME I say is finally admitting that I had to do this myself...I cant ask my Mom to do it...I cant ask my best friend to do it ....I cant wait for a heart attack to almost kill me to do it ...I have to step up to the plate and say " Yeah, I am fat and here are the reasons: I eat too much, I eat portions that are WAY to big, I stop by Krystals late at night on my way home from something and get 4 cheese Krystals, I drink 7 or 8 Cokes a day, I love eating a white bread sangwich with lots of mayo and cheese, I dont excercise, I dont drink water, I get excited about a covered dish supper...Thats why I am fat"
Does your family situation play a role ....Maybe. Does the stress at your job play a role...Perhaps.
Does the fact that you want to eat a whole coconut pie play a role ...Hell Yes.
These folks dont need to go to a "ranch"...they dont need a trainer yelling at them ....
They need to be honest with themselves .....
Its working so far for me ....But I am me.
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago
I wish I had been there for that conversation. I'm still making up my mind about this. There are some things the show seems to be doing just for the "ratings" that they don't really need to do. The show would still be intriguing without all the yelling nonsense and they could retain viewers like you. On the other hand, watching these people completely transformed in such a short period of time is just so fascinating. Several of them credit the show with "saving their lives"... exaggeration? Probably. But, still. For now, I'm going to at least finish this season. I can't wait to see what happens! I'm parasocially attached to these people and their journey now.
Oh, one more thing.
Speaking of the "short time" involved, what do you think about the guy this season who broke that record and lost 100 lbs in 7 weeks. (if you happened to see it) He doesn't look that drastically different to me and he seems fine but that seems kind of unhealthy.
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