Today marked the end of two weeks of the new diet stuff and I am happy to report that in the past week I lost another 5lbs. I am, once again , very excited.
So here are the stats as of today
Starting Weight-381
Todays Weight-369
Total Lost-12lbs
My question tonight is what leaves us/me/you satisfied? I am going to approach this from a food/eating perspective but feel free to branch out into other aspects of your life when you maybe ponder this question.
I think about the excitement of Thanksgiving and the food. I love the family atmosphere and having a house full of folks. Watching the parade and then some football...but lets be honest we all really enjoy the idea of gorging ourselves for that one day.
But who really enjoys that miserable, over-fed, bloated feeling we get after...Sure its nice to sit in a chair and zone out for a bit before brewing a pot of coffee and getting a piece of pie or cake. Or maybe a serving of my aunts sweet potato crunch casserole.
But its the immediate effect of eating too much that we hate. We DONT listen to our bodies....
You gotta eat ONE.MORE.BITE.
Maybe we think we are going to miss something....maybe we think that this is once a year and lets fill up for the winter.
I know there are other times during the year we do this but Thanksgiving I would think is the TOP when it comes to overeating days.
Many of us experience this struggle to limit our overindulgences on a daily basis. We have a great sangwich but really want some dessert also....We have a burger but also get the cheese fries.....We go to ChikFilA and get the regular sangwich but upsize just cause....
We want to naturally add....
Food is Comfort for sure. Whats one of the first things people do when someone passes away...You take them food. Or start planning when you are going to " feed the family"
Is it a southern thing? I know obesity and bad eating habits exist outside the South but we seem to think that food will sooth and it does. I know already that one of the worst things you can do is "emotional eat"
So Why do we have a hard time listening to what our body is telling us ?
Why do we think we know better when our bodies clearly are rioting against us and saying PLEASE STOP?
I am starting to slowly learn to listen to my body better.....Eating slower...putting the fork down...sitting at the table or in the kitchen....All of these things go a long way in helping us to adjust and listen.
I have heard through the grapevine that a few new folks are reading this blog and to them I say WELCOME!!...You are encourged to leave some comments...good, bad, informative whatever..
Hope tomorrow is great for everyone and now week three starts...
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago
12 pounds is great.
One of the things I did not expect is that when I quit eating so much junk - fried foods, sodas, rich desserts, etc - real food just tasted better. Vanilla ice cream tastes better to me than chocolate. Fresh peaches taste better than peach cobbler. I prefer water to soda (though occasional iced tea is still really good). There really is such a thing as "too sweet" now, when before there never was.
Same with portions and choices - over time, the foods that make me feel better are the foods I have come to prefer. The foods that cause my blood sugar to crash, or make me feel bloated and overfull, just aren't worth it anymore.
It's funny how preferences shift once you become more aware of how foods make you (physically) feel.
I agree with Stephanie completely. I used to have "craving" for bad foods because my whole life I knew I shouldn't (and didn't) eat them. Then when I allowed myself, I went over board and and here I am 20 pounds over my ideal weight. The times I ate too much were the times I told myself I CAN'T. For me, the trick is saying "laura you can have that" and all of a sudden the urge to eat it all isn't there. I know that life is going to happen. parties, nights out, holidays... and like you, I LOVE the process of it all... and the food. My weight loss goals are different from yours and anyone else's but for me I just look at it from a perspective of how that one meal is worth the experience or not. For example... eating too much cheese and crackers alone while I watch TV = not worth it. Having a second helping of dressing with my family or friends = worth it. BALANCE is the key. Looking forward to Biggest Loser because they address a lot of these same emotional eating issues with the contestants as they make their transition back home.. away from the BLranch.
Hi Jason. I pop in and read your blog occassionaly by way of the Montvegas folks. Thanks for touching on this issue. When I was in college, I really started listening to my body. It was a diet, but an understanding of what my body needed. I ate only when I was truly hungry. I ate what my body craved. And I eventually got to the point where I could tell you exactly what my body needed on any given day ("I'm lacking in protein." or "I NEED a banana.") The goal wasn't to lose weight, but to happy with my appearance to be healthy. And I was.
But somewhere over the years, I have lost that ability to listen to my body. I have merged again with that girl who used to be an emotional eater. And I don't like the results. I've tried various diets over the last year, and each has failed.
So I thank you for your reminder today that it isn't about the diet - it is about listening to your body. And about being happy and healthy - in whatever size that comes. :)
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