At one point in my life about a year ago I gave serious thought to having GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY! How did I resort to this. Could I not contain my hunger and weight gain.
Did I really think that i needed to have a surgery to monitor what I eat.
I talked to my doctor about it and he suggested I contact a doctor in Birmingham that performed the surgeries. I made the appointment and never went.
I couldn't get a surgery like that, I had to have some willpower.I knew it was deep down inside me..... I just had to pull it out.
I had someone tell me the other day that I could easily gain the weight back...and you are right I could. But I wont....You see for the first time in my life I have something more important to strive for than eating that extra piece of cake. Having that fried whatever. My life is more important than any of those things. I want to live a long life.
But heres the deal ....I like when folks tell me I might fail at this cause it gives me a new determination to show them how wrong they are going to be.
As I have said time and time before...This time its different for me....
Gnight folks
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago
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