Thursday, October 15, 2009

There are Worst Things I Could Do

So ....

Here is my thought right now after my last posting ...I think that frozen meals, while not the best, are ok when used in moderation. I dont think we should eat one for for dinner ..EVERY DAY. Thats just too much processed food.

I think that natural healthy foods are the way to go for the most part but sometimes you do eat these meals.

I balance mine out by only having one or two weight watchers meals a week. I add to that and those meals a salad and fruit.

I have started buying better selections of fruit...veggies etc .I have been to the health food store to check on things like gluten free breads and natural unprocessed honey. I am making a much bigger effort than I was a mere 2 months ago....

For me its baby steps ...

Perhaps in a few months I will decide to stop the once or twice a week eatings of these meals....

Maybe not....They might be a regular thing for me ...something that gets me through. I just dont know....

For me I know this though ...I am comfortable with having them in moderation. Just like I have diet coke still.....I am drinking TONS AND TONS of water but I still have a DC from time to time ...or a Diet Dr Pepper.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I guess I should clarify. Frozen dinners several days a week, in the past, have led to me gaining weight. So I avoid them when possible. But anything in moderation can work.