Thursday, October 01, 2009

On The Street Where You Live


You wake up at 3am...the house is quiet....the street is quiet outside....

but you are wanting something.....sugar, salty, anything. You go to the kitchen to the fridge like you have done hundreds of times before and you stand there wanting SOMETHING.

You open the freezer and you see in the back some ice cream that you forgot was there ....Heck yeah!!

You get it out and notice that its got ice all over it .....really hard. Not the best thing but any port in a storm huh ?

You know you have done good this week so eating some really good ice cream wont kill your diet ....You maybe have lost 3lbs this week so eating this might bring it down to 2.5...still a good week right ?

No one will know or care really ...except yourself.

So what do you do ?

Thats what different this time for me folks is that I care more than anyone reading this blog can understand. I care. I am the most important person who cares.
Weight loss is not about diets, it is about courage.

The courage to make the right decisions when no one is looking.

To make these decisions day after day, week after week.

People do not realize it, but when you start making these types of decisions work gets better, your friends and family look at you different, and you start looking at yourself different.

You walk straighter, you pants fit better, and all of the sudden you are a new person.

These decisions are hard at first, actually seem impossible but once you start making them it gets easier. Life gets just a little easier.

If you dont get what I am saying thats ok ...cause I am on this journey for life. I will mention it again and again and again.....


Eleanor said...

I DO get what you're saying, and you are spot on.

I knew I would do this thing when, a couple months in Henry had a heart attack, and surgery, and was in CCU -- and I had every reason to be "ministered to" with food.

I drew my line in the sand right then and there. I still have my little notebook wherein I wrote down every single thing I ate at the hospital cafeteria so I could journal it when I got back to my computer.

I didn't "win" this battle when it was over ('cause it's NEVER over!) -- I won it with that decision.

Proud of you!

mary said...

JMG- Thank you so much for sharing even the little triumphs. I love being included on your journey.

PS - that picture reminds me of Boston... the first thing in three months to make me miss new england. (SHHHHHHHHHH... don't tell Lane I said that).