Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn in New York


Yes it's the beginning of fall.... my favorite time of year right behind winter.

I am sure that the southeast is due for some more hot and humid Indian summer days but for right now I can definitely smell Autumn in the air.

This weather gets me thinking about sweaters, Halloween, wood fires, hiking and camping and of course.... comfort foods. Baked goods, hot apple cider, food and fall festivals celebrating the harvest,.....an entire holiday based around eating till your sides pop!

Then I get to thinking , how will I not only get back on track but stay on track during the holidays. But then I remind myself that there is always some holiday or celebration or reason all year round to lose focus and strap on the ole feed bag.

I know that some people really love summer, the clothes, the beaches.... but I have always favored colder climates. Maybe it's because I feel so unattractive in the summer when I am sweating all over everything...... and lets not forget NEVER taking your shirt off at the beach of the pool...Yeah that will never happen. Can you feel the sarcasm? ;)

So to sum up I am super excited and a little on edge about the upcoming months. And the challenges it will bring....

I have been using a little of my down time that I have to try and organize my home life better.

I have been walking more but not enough for me to consider it a full work out. ...BUT ...I do get inspired to be more active in the fall and winter so I have that to look forward to.

The posts here will continue as I adjust to a few new things. But I'm still here, still reading YOUR blogs too and still figuring out what is best for me.

Peace and Good Night

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