Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Stay Awake


Not so much the last week to ten days ...Stay Awake that is ..

Perhaps its the new diet ....maybe its the fact that I am MAKING myself go to bed early each night ...Getting on a tighter schedule. I have come to realize that at 35 years old I am slowly not being able to get by on the bare minimum at night anymore. 4 hours wont cut it ....

Whatever it is ...Its working and for the first time in a LONG time I am actually sleeping at night. I still wake up a bit but nothing like before and I am not laying for hours trying to get to sleep or back to sleep.

I am feeling better and thats the main thing. I would sleep on the roof if it meant I might actually sleep so things are looking up.

Eating better.....excercise...sleeping better....could it all be connected Hmmmmmm

Speaking of sleep....How do you sleep? Do you get in the bed, turn the light off and BAM you are gone ...or do you have a ritual of some kind you follow??

I watch TV before going to bed ....usually read while watching and typically the last thing I watch before going to bed is some part or all of an episode of The West Wing.

One last thing before bed .....Has anyone ever tried the Bocca Burgers that you get in the frozen food section at the grocery store..

They are meatless but I happen to like them but was wondering other folks thoughts on them and if you use them or have tried them what, if anything do you do to them to "jazz" them up at all ....

Have a great Thursday...



Nick M. said...

My night time routine is very similar to yours...I watch TV typically something I've seen before so that I can zone out and unwind...if I just lay down without anything going on I will lay awake for hours because my brain won't shut off, watching TV (the majority of night it is also West Wing) helps me to tune out to sleep land.

We have been buying those Boca Burgers for a while now and they are not too bad. I've learned that for my purposes they are better microwaved (the plastic package keeps them moist) as opposed to when I cook them in a skillet and they dry out. Basics (cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo) on one of those 100 calorie bread pocket things is the way to go!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason - still following you here! :) I've read in places before that one of the (many) keys to losing weight/staying healthy is a proper amount of sleep. It allows the body to recoup and process and all that good jazz. My nighttime routine includes flipping the pillows on my bed - its a tradition I've had since I was little and used to check for bugs in my bed. Then I usually read till I fall asleep.

The boca burgers - eh, they're okay. Nick is right - they are better in the microwave. I usually add a little lemon juice to mine, that helps keep them moist and adds a little extra flavor.

Jason said...

and i cant spell Boca