I had someone ask me the other day why now? What makes this time trying to lose weight different? And why did I decide to do it now ....
It was a picture ....
It was made at the first of August while down at the beach with the youth group. Nick made the picture while i was out cooking hamburgers in the pouring rain ...
It was made from behind and it looked pretty dang bad.
When I finally saw it a couple of days later I was like "What the hell am I doing"
I have high blood pressure, I have been to see heart doctors, my back hurts at times.
It just made me think ...and I did for the next week I thought a good bit about where I was in regards to my health. And I did not like what I was seeing coming back at me ...I thought about my family and friends.
My family and friends have been concerned about my weight for years. Why was August 2009 different? It just was and tha'ts the best answer I can give you
I was so paranoid about people judging me. Maybe they did, maybe not.I also thought about the way the world looked at me.
I am happy where I am going right now and folks also keep asking me have I thought about any goals for myself and I now answer yes...
When I get down to 230 I will consider that a big big big thing for me ....Its personal in nature and one day I will share it but 230 is the magic number for me ...
and Thanks Nick for taking that picture ......
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago
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